Free or paid Wordpress themes?

Free or paid WordPress themes?


All over the web you will find conversations about free versus premium wordpress themes. For many users, the answear is simple: parallax Wordpress themes.

Developers like the ones from buddypress themes are very convincing about the work they’ve done. There are other users that loves free wordpress theme. Which one is right?

Free WordPress themes, pros and cons

If you are looking for a free wordpress theme, the best advantage of it is the fact that is free.You should not pay for anything and you can get a great website. If you choose the theme from official wordpress repository, you can get a certain base level of quality.

There are a lot of premium wordpress themes developers that choose to offer a free sample of their work.

Free wordpress themes are for people who want something simple.

If you choose to download a free wordpress theme from another source, you can find some disadvantages:

•    You will not get any kind of support;
•    You will not get updates often;
•    The user experience is not so well made, so, you can have some problems;
•    Free wordpress themes are more likely to have vulnerabilities when it comes to security.

Premium WordPress themes pros and cons

Yes, if you choose a premium wordpress theme you will have to pay. There are not lost money, though.

Every wordpress theme come with support, with a good quality and with a community around it. Even there are thousands of people downloading the theme, you can customize it to get your own unique image.

Many premium wordpress themes come with some advanced functionality that help you get a great website. If you consider security facts and all the aspects of design, you can find that premium wordpress themes are superior to free ones.

There are, obviously, some cons for premium wordpress themes. Not allways the quality is the best and not every theme have an official review process. Therefore, it’s important to find a reliable theme, like the ones from buddypress.

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