What is the eco line from Heidelberg?

What is the eco line from Heidelberg?


On the printing market worldwide there are some names that rule this domain. Brand like Heidelberg, or KBA, or Komori, or any other king are placing their products on this market hopping that they will be the first in the clients preferences top. From all this names though, the Heidelberg machines are standing in front, due to the fact that they have something that other don’t.

We are talking about the Eco line printing machines, one especially designed for those people who are being very careful to the environment.

Just imagine the benefit of these products, and also the good that those Heidelberg machines can do to the entire world. When everyone around us don’t know how to consume more and more environmental resources, the producers from Heidelberg just want to preserve the environment as it is.

The products that are included in this line are the ones that so far had wrote history for Heidelberg. Speedmaster for example is one of the most known names so far. Say Speedmaster and you spell quality. If we are talking about the Heidelberg Speedmaster CD 102, than we can say that beyond quality everything is green.

Everything today seems to reduce to taking care of our space. This Heidelberg is the one that respects all the requirements, and that bring something in plus. In this way this machine is able to use less energy that the other machines of its kind. Maybe this does not mean anything for you, but for the ones that are involved in this process this is a really great deal. The Heidelberg Speedmaster CD 102 can make a difference by its technical specifications. Better rate of ink coverage all over the material, better precision when using the component of the machine, very high flexibility regarding the materials to be used and the models as well.

This machine can print from the minimum size of 340mm×480mm up to the maximum sheet size of 720mm×1020mm, and this in some condition established in order to protect the environment. The thickness of the paper can go from 0.03 mm to 1.00 mm without any problems to appear in the printing process. This kind of machine can easy be included in the CO2 neutral machine, due to the capacity of not affecting the environment when the printing process starts.

What it is more interesting about this machine is that it is perfectly capable of cover large surfaces with ink of any colour, even with those kind of ink that make special effects. The UV stable inks can also be used for this machine, and you can make all the imaginable combination by using this Heidelberg machines. The flexography has also its role here, because this kind of machines are designed to do everything.

It is especially important to know that you can have green printing for your business. That the energy can be saved, and that you can enjoy lower prices for the maintenance of the equipments. It can be really easy to have one of this equipments. All you have to do is to search for the Heidelberg machines on the specialised sites that have all the data regarding the sellers.

A site like this is , one on which you can find any product you need, even if we are talking about printing, presses, packaging or any alike.

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